It costs £250,000 per year to run the Aliya Youth Project
Please donate what you can to help to keep our community safe
You can pay by BACS to:
Sort Code: 20 55 41
Account: 73217078
To donate by Paypal or credit card click here:

YOU can help secure our future by becoming a Patron
The support of our Patrons is an essential part of making our work possible.
As well as giving us greater financial security, our Patrons share our vision
of giving young people a safe environment to grow and be supported.
We are asking for your financial commitment to ensure the continued provision
of Aliya Youth's vital services.
There are 4 levels of Patronage
Bronze £2,500
Silver £5,000

Gold £10,000
Founder £25,000

Chai Club
A crucial element of support comes from the individuals who are willing to commit contributions in multiples of £18 which add up to significant amounts over the span of the year. There is no lock in contract.
If you would like to get involved in what we do, please contact Shelley Blakston from our fundraising team.
​ 0161 501 6770.
Leave the world a better place with a life changing legacy helping to alleviate loneliness and destitution amongst many other crisis within the jewish youth of our community.
Legacies provide ALIYA with a crucial source of income and help us plan for the future.
To find out more information about how to leave a legacy please contact Shelley Blackston from our fundraising team. 0161 501 6770.
Become a fundraiser
Anyone can do something special to help raise funds to bolster the lives of young people in our community.
There are so many things you can do to support Aliyas work
from taking on a physical challenge to a sponsored silence.
To get involved contact Shelley Blackston from the fundraising team
​ 0161 501 6770.
Put on an event / Take a fundraising challenge
At Aliya there are many opportunities to get involved and become a partner in the important work we do, putting on events are exciting ways of spreading important awareness to the cause while bringing in support and funds at the same time all while having a good time doing it.
Please get in touch with Shelley Blackston to see how you can take part and help build an event.
​ 0161 501 6770.